Unfortunately, I am once again commenting on a sequel, but since it is so similar to the book that comes before it, Size 12 Is Not Fat, this should be relatively easy.
Before I start, I'd like to say that although I wouldn't call Meg Cabot an "amazing, incredible, blah blah blah" author, I do secretly enjoy her books, and her talent for pushing other genres into her generally chic lit books.
This book (well, series really) is a mystery and although I cannot stand mysteries, I actually enjoyed this. But no judging.
The story goes something like this: Heather Wells is an ex pop star whose mom ran away with all her money, her dad has been in prison for years, and has been out of style for years. Now, she is 28, a couple of sizes larger (which she never stops mentioning. But I think she should stop eating so much. With the amount of high calorie food she eats, cutting out a few would not be that hard), single, because her fiance, whose fame was going down really fast, dumped her for someone a little more famous. And skinny. Anyway, Heather's new job is an assistant dorm manager or whatever and in both the first and second books, some students have been murdered. [insert creepy music]. In the first book, 2 girls fall down an elevator shaft and the incompetent police put it down to elevator surfing. Heather knows that these girls aren't the type to elevator surf so she goes and solves the crime, with a little help from her crush/landlord/ex's brother, who happens to be a PI. In the second book, the same thing happens except instead of falling down the elevator shaft, a girl's head is found cooking in a pot. Yes, that is the most disgusting, cruel, and sadistic thing ever. But don't worry, because Heather finds out who did it. And gets insulted along the way, because everyone insults her. No, I'm not kidding. On every page, someone insults her. But, in the end, she lives not so happily ever after, without her PI and still a size 12. The end.
3.8 stars. I would've given it less but the lines were pretty funny.