One of the worst things about this book was its cliches. One after another after another after another, they didn't stop coming. And that was only in the first chapter! Since it would be way to messy to write this in a paragraph form, here is why it was so (pardon my usage of this word again) cliche:
Language: The conversations were filled with pop culture references that no one even cares about. The descriptions were the same ones I'd read in countless other books, and did I mention that this went on for 430 pages?
Characters: I already said that the guy was perfect. Well, he was. The main character was one of those that claims she thinks she is nothing special but really has an ego the size of Texas and is of course beautiful, smart, funny, talented and extremely nice. The best friends are all different in personality and looks but identical in that it must be so boring and repetitive to be friends with them. There is even the totally unnecessary necessary gay best friend! And the guy that the main character didn't end up with is the guy she thought was awesome at the beginning but later proved himself to be a grade a jerk.
Plot: Everything you think will happen happens. She is crazy about an ex and boom! she suddenly meets him and they reunite. Ex proves himself evil and boom! she meets perfect guy who she is destined to be with. You can make up the rest of the story from there.
I give this book .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 of a star--and that's because I don't want to go negative.

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