Saturday, October 22, 2011

Goliath, by Scott Westerfeld (Book 3, Leviathan)

Since I blogged about Leviathan, you already know the setting of Goliath and all about the main characters. In Goliath, they're still on Leviathan, flying high in the sky, but all of a sudden, Deryn's secret isn't being kept very well. Alek knows his best friend in the world is a girl (horror of all horrors! Girls can't achieve anything and are meant to be walking around looking pretty in poofy skirts!!!) and he also knows she's in love with him. Man, I hope you read Leviathan and Behemoth, or what I just wrote would have given away almost nothing. There's a crazy inventor and his weapon of all weapons (Goliath) that could destroy the whole world/end the war. Naturally, he is hoping for option 2. (He's not that crazy). I shouldn't say anymore, so pretend like my mouth is moving and you're covering your ears and screaming at the top of your lungs.

While reading, I kept wondering what Deryn will do when she's done with the army. Sure, she can hide it while she's sixteen but at some point she'll want to settle down and stop wearing breast bands. The easiest thing would be to "kill" Dylan, her male alter ego. (She'd even be able to attend her own funeral! How awesome would that be?) But what if she doesn't want to never see her friends again? Then what does she do? Pretend to be male at work and come home and be female? And what if she becomes pregnant? Then what? Call it a beer belly? Will my questions ever be answered?

Lesson: Don't live in the early 1900's.

4.8 stars. It was a decent series.

One of my favorite things about this book was the really cool illustrations inside.

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