Monday, October 17, 2011

Prophecy of the Sisters, by Michelle Zink

Twin sisters: one good, one evil. Which is which? That's pretty much how I summarized the theme of this book. After their father's death, Lia and Alice find out about an ancient prophecy which pits the two of them against each other as mortal enemies. This prophecy has been affecting (effecting?) the women of their family for generations but by their birth (literally, when they came out of their mommy's tummy) the prophecy got a little jumbled up, thanks to modern innovations of the 19th century.

The story is told from Lia's point of view which I thought was unfair. From the description, it seemed as if either sister could go either way, but since the story is told from Lia's point of view, she is obviously the good one. The only debate over which twin is good and which is evil is in Lia's head, because everyone else is so confident in her goodness.

The prophecy says that one twin is the Guardian and one twin is the Gate. Lia and Alice are racing to find the keys to the gate. Though, I must say, Lia's research and detective work is pathetic. Everything she needs falls straight into her lap.

Lesson: Don't trust your sisters. There may be an obscure ancient prophecy which declares the two of you sworn emenies (that was on purpose).

4.3 stars. If you're into fantasy/history/romance mixes, this is the book for you.

Isn't Zink an awesome last name? I was reading articles and posts about her and they kept calling her Zink and I was like, "Man, I want to be called Zink", and then I remembered it was her last name.

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