Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mastiff, by Tamora Pierce

I have been waiting years, literally, for Mastiff to come out. Now, finally, I can stop reading Tamora Pierce's books!! Years ago I enjoyed every single one of her series-especially how the would ended and the characters reappeared in other books. Mastiff, the third and final book of three about Beka Cooper (George Cooper from the Song of the Lioness series' great-great-great-grandmother times a few greats) has ended Tamora Pierce's power of me. I used to be a HUGE fan (made even huger by the fact that we had the same birthday) but now that I've finished the last series I started by her, I am completed.

Mastiff picks up a while after its prequel leaves off. Beka's fiance just died, but she's not as upset as everyone thinks she was because she was planning on breaking it off. Then she is sent on a mysterious mission with her partner, Tunstall, Tunstall's girlfriend the lady knight, Sabine, and an odd yet lovable mage named Farmer. Their secret mission is to rescue the prince who has been kidnapped by some rebellious mages and nobles and hidden amongst slaves being transported cross-country.

This book was way too long for the story. The story did not require so many details and adventures. Half of the instances could have been cut out for the same exact story. It took me a week and a half to read and I can usually start and finish multiple books in a weekend. 581 pages. 581!!!

The details which I believed so easily when I was 14 were a little harder to believe at 17. I saw the holes in the world of Tortall that I didn't notice then. Another thing-why are the cops called "dogs"? It doesn't sound very flattering. Personally, I would like to be called by a different animal. Maybe cheetah. Or two-toed sloth. Although that's a mouthful. How about a bunny? Watch out for the bunnies-they're armed!!!

4.2 stars. After waiting so long, I thought I'd be able to rate it higher.

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