I was surprised by the author's style in this book, mainly because I read her debut novel and I expected The Overnight Socialite to be more like it. And it wasn't. I also appreciated the minimal use of name dropping. In most books about upper class society in Manhattan at least 5 designers are mentioned per page and other famous names pop up constantly. Not so much here. Don't get me wrong-names were dropped plenty, just not enough to make me grind my teeth in frustration. Only enough to make me sigh once in a while.
I am very sad. My computer closed the page and was kind enough to reopen it for me but then lost everything I typed. Absolutely lovely, aint it? In rebellion I refuse to retype it all so you will have to manage without my riveting and engrossing humor. And you know what? You can blame my computer for it.
4.8 stars. I wrote an explanation but am too aggravated and bothered to rewrite it.

1 comment:
Bah hahaha! You're funny :)
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