Now you're all curious about what this book is actually about. As your good friend, I won't keep you in suspense. I'll tell you what it's about. It's about...about.....about....I'm stuck. I can't tell you anything without ruining this story. It's kind of about this girl who died and came back to life and now has this stalker named John Hayden. The cover says something about death wanting her back. Even after finishing the book, if I wanted to give you spoilers I probably couldn't. Oh-there is some cool old guy. Who is a bit creepy. And there's a few typical high school scenes. Pretty much a normal day in Meg Cabot's world. One more thing I can tell you is that the story is based on the myth of Hades and Persephone (love that name). The cover says, ominously, "She knows what it's like to die....and now death wants her back." I think we should insert an evil laugh after that line.
I started laughing (out loud, I may add) at random points throughout the book. The seriousness and obliviousness (obliviousity?) of all the characters is so hysterically pathetic that I couldn't help it. Someone would be dying and I'd be giggling my way through it. The cover is also melodramatic. A little too melodramatic, especially when you consider the fact the almost nothing happens in the book.
3 stars. Exactly in the middle.

It doesn't tell you anything, does it?
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