Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson

Oh. My. Lord. Voldemort. I was NOT expecting that.

Having not lived under a rock for the past year or so, I'd obviously heard of Dragon Tattoo (the title is too long so that's what I'm going to call it), but had never considered reading it after pushing it off into a mental category entitled "not my type". I knew it was a mystery, which I can't stand, and I knew it was written by a guy, which usually means too much action, also not up my alley. However, after a friend whose tastes I trust told me it was very good, I knew my time had come. I must succumb to the bestseller and be like everyone else for the sake of enjoying a good book.

I'm very scared to say much about this book, primarily because I don't want to spoil it for any prospective readers. Unless they're like me that is, in which case they are trolling the internet for spoilers. I get very annoyed when people don't give out spoilers on request. Anyway, as you may have gathered, it wasn't what I thought it would be. Not that I had any idea of what it would be, beyond a mystery-actiony type thing. Which it was, just it was the other things that surprised me.

For those of you who don't know, Dragon Tattoo was a bestseller in Sweden before it was translated to English and crossed the Atlantic Ocean. (Yes, there are actual normal people in Sweden, even though we never hear anything about them.) The Swedish title was "Men Who Hate Women"-in Swedish of course-and after reading it, I know why. Let's just say that there are many damaged people in Dragon Tattoo of both the victim and victimizing sort. And if you want to really be sad, go to Wikipedia and read about the author. It will explain a lot. (Below it are spoilers though, so be careful.)

Did I like it? Hard to say. It was very obviously written by a guy but in this case, it had to be. The story was brilliant, and the translator did a good job, so my only complaint is that I don't usually like that sort of book.

I can't give it a number of stars. I just can't.

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